Quotes by Sun Tzu

It is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for the purposes of spying, and thereby they achieve great results.

Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?

It is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for the purposes of spying, and thereby they achieve great results.

He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.

All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.

Now the reason the enlightened prince and the wise general conquer the enemy whenever they move and their achievements surpass those of ordinary men is foreknowledge.

The skilful employer of men will employ the wise man, the brave man, the covetous man, and the stupid man.

If we know that our own men are in a condition to attack, but are unaware that the enemy is not open to attack, we have gone only halfway towards victory.

If our soldiers are not overburdened with money, it is not because they have a distaste for riches if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity.

All war is deception.