Quotes by Samuel Johnson

Such is the state of life, that none are happy but by the anticipation of change: the change itself is nothing when we have made it, the next wish is to change again.

Courage is the greatest of all virtues, because if you haven't courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.

He that fails in his endeavors after wealth or power will not long retain either honesty or courage.

Disease generally begins that equality which death completes.

Prepare for death, if here at night you roam, and sign your will before you sup from home.

Many things difficult to design prove easy to performance.

The world is seldom what it seems to man, who dimly sees, realities appear as dreams, and dreams realities.

It is better that some should be unhappy rather than that none should be happy, which would be the case in a general state of equality.

Subordination tends greatly to human happiness. Were we all upon an equality, we should have no other enjoyment than mere animal pleasure.

Disease generally begins that equality which death completes.