Quotes About Patriotism

My commitment to the Republican movement was pure and simply patriotism, a love of Australia... a desire or passion that all of our national symbols should be unequivocally and unambiguously Australian.

The mobilisation which Bush has been able to perform since 11 September 2001 has to be fought - at least by Americans - in the name of a wise, honourable and democratic patriotism.

There is a fuzzy but real distinction that can and I believe should be made, between patriotism, which is attachment to a way of life, and nationalism, which is the insistence that your way of life deserves to rule over other ways of life.

Some versions of patriotism come close to the tribal, which we all want to surpass, and some don't.

In 'The King's Speech,' patriotism is utterly contained within a historical moment, the third of September,1939, where the aggressor is clear, the fight is clear, it hasn't become complicated over time.

I think English film is very embarrassed by patriotism, generally.

Gentlemen have talked a great deal of patriotism. A venerable word, when duly practiced.

The music industry's actions at the time of 9/11 and since have been actions driven by patriotism in most instances, and greed and stupidity to a lesser degree. Sounds like real life doesn't it?

Men in authority will always think that criticism of their policies is dangerous. They will always equate their policies with patriotism, and find criticism subversive.

In every society in human history, including the United States, those in power seek to imbue themselves with the attributes of religion and patriotism as a way of getting greater support for their policy and insulating themselves from any criticism.