A clear cold morning with high wind: we caught in a trap a large gray wolf, and last night obtained in the same way a fox who had for some time infested the neighbourhood of the fort.
The rain, which had continued yesterday and last night, ceased this morning. We then proceeded, and after passing two small islands about ten miles further, stopped for the night at Piper's landing, opposite another island.
We had high and boisterous winds last night and this morning: the Indians continue to purchase repairs with grain of different kinds.
I don't think I'm going to do any good work this morning.
Bill Bennett really became an idol for me. I listened to him every morning from 6 to 9 for, oh, years.
I like to be busy and I like to have places to go in the morning, when I get up.
I remember we woke up one morning at Denny's house and John Phillips called. He said, you guys okay? We said, yeah, what's wrong, what's going on? He said, well, everybody's dead over at Sharon's house at Terry Melcher's place.
He who stands with his face to the East in the morning will have the sun before him. If he does not change his posture, the Earth in the meantime having changed its, he will have the sun no longer before him, but behind.
The problem with growing up in a cafe was the cafe never closed, my parents worked every day of the year from morning to night. So it was a big menagerie of kids, business and cooking!
This morning in the Washington Post there was a statistic about how 85% of Americans are Christians.