I think people would be alive today if there were a death penalty.
As far as my divorce goes, I love my family and I love my wife to death and I just don't know what tomorrow's going to bring.
I have had death threats from people with fixations.
Loss and possession, death and life are one, There falls no shadow where there shines no sun.
People who are sick, or who have been sick, or have come close to death have a lot to say - and they want you to hear it.
Living with the immediacy of death helps you sort out your priorities in life. It helps you to live a less trivial life.
The line between life or death is determined by what we are willing to do.
Bulls can do nothing to demand justice. They can only defend themselves as best they can in a fight with a pre-determined ending and die never knowing why they were forced to endure such a painful and prolonged death. It's up to us, as a civilized society, to call for an end to the Running of the Bulls and bullfighting.
My faith isn't very churchy, it's a pretty personal, intimate thing and has been a huge source of strength in moments of life and death.
More than 100 people have been sent to death row who were later exonerated because they weren't guilty or fairly tried. Most criminal defendants do not get adequate representation because there are not enough public defenders to represent them. There is a lot that is wrong.